donderdag 30 april 2009

Space Exploration at Home

A source of inspiration are for me the pictures of the Hubble telescope.Here an attemp of a space tile.


maandag 27 april 2009

Haunted House

I ám working at a planetarium but it also look a bit like a haunted house at the fair.Another abstract is fired but I want to accent some of the figures and have to fire it again.


zaterdag 25 april 2009

Broken pieces

Some further work with cracks.The piece with the bird is a sort of mini zoo;there is an elephant and a giraffe in it,maybe more after a glass of beer.


dinsdag 21 april 2009

Clay Figures

In progress a pair of abstract work.


zondag 19 april 2009

Concept Model

Another model I plan to do.


vrijdag 17 april 2009

Looking in the laughing Mirrow

Some more distortion;the lady in a mermaid costume.

More warping Murals

Iám on the warping tour.Here some first time fired mini murals.

The State of being Twisted

The space sculpture is fired but it is still a concept model.In the foreground 2 aliens and a sleeping moon.


maandag 6 april 2009

Old Dutch harbour

Also merged;on the foreground some people and a car,and on the background a harbourview.

zondag 5 april 2009

Space Sculpture

Now I try to do the same(combining items) with a spacesculpture,here is the background map sofar.

Combining Pieces

I try to merge several pieces together until it is one sculpture;the earthmap mural,the parrot and the angel.I haven't it glued yet together so I can still make changes, but it worked out pretty well in this case.